Vote for XFce

Mark Welker welker at
Thu Jul 4 04:50:00 CEST 2002


I agree with you Joe.
I don't really see any advantage that the other file managers have
over XFtree.
I like XFtree the best if I am using a gui file manager program.
I don't think a file manager should be a operating enviorment all
in it self and do everything. It is a file manager.

On 3 Jul 2002, Joe Klemmer wrote:

> On Wed, 2002-07-03 at 17:35, Kristian Rink wrote:
> > Indeed, same here, though I am more often using rox / xftree for
> > some more special file handling needs (especially the rox image
> > preview is helpful when sorting huge amounts of pictures from
> > digi-cam, webcam and scanner). Besides this, there's a lot of things
> > just way more easier being done with mc (or with a bash) as
> > filemanager than possibly with a gui-based tool. And... yes, it's
> > easier to be started while working in a terminal-emulator. :))
> 	I'm a little uneasy about the potential rox/xfce tie-in.  Not that I
> have anything against rox.  It's really a great program but I am always
> uncomfortable about things getting bigger rather than smaller.  (And I'm
> against everything anyway<g>).
> > > - --
> > > Attention all planets of the Solar Federation.
> > > We have assumed control.
> >
> > Rush? 2112?
> 	Yep.  :-)
> --
> Attention all planets of the Solar Federation.
> We have assumed control.

Mark Welker
welker at

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