debian package

Collins erichey2 at
Wed Jul 3 03:07:29 CEST 2002

On Tue, 02 Jul 2002 20:42:19 -0400 kanyon12 at wrote:
> Neal <linuxer at> wrote:
> >On Tue, 02 Jul 2002 18:58:42 -0400
> >kanyon12 at wrote:
> >
> >> Hello,
> >> I'm having a little bit of trouble with the debian package. After
> >a> "startxfce", only part of xfce comes up - the configurable panel
> >at> the bottom does not show up, only a small block in the lower
> >right> hand corner for logging out. Am I missing something? The
> >Redhat> package ran like a charm.
> >
> >Which debian package do you have installed?  3.8.12 from woody or
> >3.8.16 from sid?  There is no other window manager running besies
> >xfwm?  Does gnome or some other wm run properly? 
> >
> >I switched from RedHat to debian just two weeks ago.  Both the
> >woody and the sid packages worked fine.  I prefer to have the
> >latest from cvs so I build 3.8.18 every week or so.
> >

If you are going for the tarball, get the CVS version.  It's quite
stable, and it has xfsamba improvements and the taskbar (my favorite
xfce feature).

Here's a howto (based on earlier postings and my own experience).

1. su -
2. cd to desired directory to hold cvs image
3. cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous at
co xfce-stable (it really helps if you have installed cvs <grin>)
4. cd to directory downloaded (xfce-stable)
6. ./     --prefix=/usr \
       --datadir=/usr/share \
       --sysconfdir=/etc/X11 \
       --enable-xft \
       --enable-taskbar \
       --enable-gdm && \
    make [-k] install-strip (the -k is needed for some later versions
7. restart xfwm and enjoy
8. To activate the taskbar, click in the miniscule space between the
bottom of the panel and the dividing line for the buttons area.  Once
opened, the taskbar will remain open when you restart xfce.  You can
also drag offf the taskbar away from the window and close the panel,
if you like working that way.

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.18+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla

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