xfsamba can't mount shares

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at webtrek.com
Thu Aug 29 18:56:05 CEST 2002

	I'm running 3.8.18 (from Edscott's CVS archive) that was d/l'ed and
installed yesterday.  I just ran into a problem with xfsamba.  I am
unable to mount Win2K shares.  I was able to a few weeks ago with an
earlier 3.8.18 (from the same place).  I checked and
/bin/smbmount|smbumount are suid root but I still get errors.  When I
try and mount something I get a pop-up saying "SMB connection failed"
and when I click "Close" another pop-up says "Count not mount <random
ascii art>".

	Anyone have an idea?  Unfortunatly I need to mount some shares today. 
($DEITY how I have WinXX!!)

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