xfce fails to restart applications

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at webtrek.com
Fri Aug 23 14:36:51 CEST 2002

On Fri, 2002-08-23 at 08:19, Collins wrote:

> 99% of the time, all of my applications restart each time I restart
> xfce, but from time to time one or more of them goes missing in
> action, and I have to restart them manually.

	I used to have a lit of problems with this.
> Most frequently, a browser (I use mostly mozilla derivatives - galeon
> or skipstone) fails to restart, occasionally one or more aterm
> windows, and this morning both sylpheed and skipstone.

	FWIW, I don't let the session management handle the browser at all.  I
start it manually and exit it before getting out of Xfce.  The only
problem I've had with xterms is they will, occationally, start on the
wrong virtual desktop.  Basically the only things I let session
management keep up are xterms and the nice little wordpad like (only
much better) app Ted.
> Any clues as to what causes this?
> I'm using the CVS xfce-stable version with taskbar support downloaded
> on July 20.

	Not a clue.  :-(

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