Rebuilding 3.8.16 for 3D buttons and variable colors

Rich Shepard rshepard at
Sat Apr 20 18:37:35 CEST 2002

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, Jonathan Gardner wrote:

> Well, this is unscientific in the extreme, but I have much anecdotal
> evidence from fellow AMD K6 (mainly K6-II) users writing me to tell me
> that my k6 optimised apps run "so much faster" on thier respective
> machines. Which reminds me I REALLY have to get to writing those
> instructions on how anybody can build their own k6 rpms. It's been on my
> todo list for some time.

  Our current workstations have Intel inside, not AMD. I also wonder how one
measures the running speed of the GUI desktop such as Xfce. Also, most
office applications are keyboard bound (back in the mainframe days it was
referred to as I/O bound), not CPU bound.


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