Autohide xfce

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at
Sat Apr 13 14:39:27 CEST 2002

On Fri, 2002-04-12 at 15:28, gardnerj at wrote:

>  Let me answer this, as I often forget myself. If a
>  computer does much more than boot up when you turn it on,
>  Joe thinks it's too feature rich and bloated. ;-)

	Ha!  That just about sums it up completely.  Hell, I get all kinds of
ribbing from the guys at work because no matter what OS/DE (Win2k, Mac
OS, Linux, Solaris) I use it's always the same...  6 or 7 xterms and a
browser.  The only thing I use a GUI for is it's ability to have more
than one xterm on my screen.  Otherwise I'd be more than happy with
Linux virtual terms and just Ctrl-Fx all over the place.  :-)

Using Linux since 11/91		|
Linux user #29402		|
Red Hat Linux			|
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