minimized windows

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at
Mon Apr 8 19:06:45 CEST 2002

On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 12:39, Mattias Thuresson wrote:

> Minimized windows reside on the right side of the screen. Some of these,
> e.g. Mozilla or XMMS get their own mini icons, others, like Sylpheed,
> use a standard mini icon.
> How do I change the icons and, more importantly, how do I make
> an application use an icon I choose?

	It's in the docs (the blue "i" on the right of the panel) under "II.
Advanced xfwm configuration".  Look at the chapter named "15. Appearance
of other applications".  Specifically you want to use the "Style"
command as shown in the example on the page.

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