Anyone with MDK 8.2 there?

William Bouterse bill at
Thu Apr 4 00:30:47 CEST 2002

On Wed, 3 Apr 2002 22:27:20 +0200
Paul <paul at> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Usually I am very silent, but I notice something after upgrading to mandrake
> 8.2.
> When running 8.0, the mouse cursor would be the regular arrow when over the
> background (backdrop). It would change to the appropriate shape when moving
> it onto a window.
> Now with 8.2, the mouse cursor is always the 'busy' cursor (little clock)
> when over the background. It functions all the same as always, but I find
> the change in shape a bit odd.
> Anyone else there that experiences the same? I am running XFCE 3.8.14c on an
> Athlon 1.2Ghz/256Mb Ram.
> Paul

Mandrakesoft used a faulty rpm packaged version of XFCE eventhough
they were informed by several people about it at least a month 
before release.....That is if you are using the 'mdk'-version...
The i586rpm from sourceforge works for me without any probs so far as did the tgz's.....
(Does the same prob. exist for you in other WM's ?)
 I do have a nagging, unrelated
cursor-sprite/ghost (in all WM's) since using XFree86-4.2x...
XFree86-3.3x and 4.x work fine...

William Bouterse
Talkeetna, Ak.

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