[Xfce-i18n] Xfce 4.20 tour page lack Spanish translation

Reinaldo Ricardo Espinosa Rodriguez reinaldo.cuentas at gmail.com
Tue Dec 17 18:35:48 CET 2024

Hello mailing list, I'm pretty much new in this community. Today I was
browsing the xfce.org website specially looking what's new in the recently
released 4.20 version. I found that while some text are already translated
to Spanish (my primary language) 95%+ of it isn't. I have experience with
translation efforts in some mate desktop components and other Foss projects
and will be interested to collaborate to have the Xfce website fully
translated to Spanish. I could find it on the translation platform provided
in the website, so I'm asking here for some directions on where I could
find the website English files and submit a translation to it.

 Best regards, Reinaldo Espinosa.
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