[Xfce-i18n] Xfdashboard - high number of strings to translate

Alex acs82 at gmx.de
Thu Oct 15 21:24:41 CEST 2020

Best just open a bug against xfdashboard and paste your mail there, in
order to directly discuss with the maintainer.

For thunar I dont mark errors/warnings to be translated which will end
up in console. These usually are of interest for debugging/ reporting
bugs. (Having them in a different language than would be rather
unexpedient )
Imo translation only makes sense for errors/warnings which will be
displayed via GUI.


Am 15.10.20 um 17:43 schrieb scootergrisen:
> I think Xfdashboard contains way to many strings for translators to
> translate.
> Its currently 939 strings. Which is about 33% of all the strings in
> Xfce Apps.
> I wish there was not all these error/warning messages some contain
> hard to translate words that i dont know what means.
> Where are all these error/warning messages used?
> Testing Xfdashboard i hardly see any strings so i don't even know how
> to see them in the application.
> I have mentioned this one time before but i want to mention it again
> and hear from other translators and maybe remove some of the strings
> from translation before translators translate the strings to many
> languages.
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