[Xfce-i18n] About being a language coordinator

Nick Schermer nickschermer at gmail.com
Sat Mar 6 11:51:11 CET 2010

(this message was also send to the language coordinators' private mail)

I read in the xfce irc channel there is a bit of confusion (hi
Christoph) about the new translation teams, so let me explain that a

In the old installation I manual disabled the subscribe/create/edit
translation team functionality. This because there was no way to
'copy' teams and thus one had to subscribe to each of the projects and
all these requests had to be accepted. Something that is not going to
work with > 100 projects.
So the online subscription was disabled and the server ran a set of
sql queries [1] to move users into translation teams of each project
based on their 'native language' and group permissions (ie. the
"you've been added to the translators group" slang).
Because the server executed this every 15 minutes, it was not possible
for us to use the coordinator functionality in teams: accept new
members by coordinators (Mike and I had to do all this), join > 1
group with 1 username etc.

Meanwhile the transifex people were working on a system to 'outsource'
translation teams, ie: I trust this other project on the transifex
installation and I want to use its translation teams. This
functionality landed in the development branch of transifex a couple
of days ago and... now we're using it in Xfce.

This means the sql query is stopped (yeey), dropped 17646 lines from
the database (teams, coordinators and members) and made each project
in our installation 'outsource' the teams of the 'xfce' product. With
this the translation teams are handled in a central place and we can
use the team managing functionality of transifex again, meaning less
work for Mike and me and more freedom for translators.
So not *all* translation teams are removed: all - the ones in the xfce product.

Another complaint is that the teams are somewhat hard to find (ie. not
under the language). This is not strange, because keep in mind
transifex is designed for transifex.net where they have hundreds of
translation teams, not just 1 like in our installation. To make it
somewhat easier I added a link "Translation Teams' to the header that
points to the teams in the xfce-product.

I already explained teams handle permissions for a language yesterday
(if your not in a team you can't do anything), so that should be
clear. If you have anything to ask, feel free to do so.


[1] http://pastebin.com/shgCj9Nf

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