[Xfce-i18n] ristretto on transifex

Stephan Arts stephan at xfce.org
Sat Sep 19 01:05:24 CEST 2009

On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 8:53 PM, Evaggelos Balaskas
<ebalaskas at ebalaskas.gr>wrote:

> hi,
> I've just updated through Transifex a new Ristretto Greek updated
> translation po file.
> The po file from git has 98 entries,
> transifex provide a pot with 39 entries but shows on web 57 entries
> and there is no pot file to git !!!
> So i know that the truth is out there (somehow) but i cant find it (yet).
> Evaggelos Balaskas
> Unix System Engineer - http://ebalaskas.gr/wiki/
> Hi,

I added te .pot file to git, updated the .po files and refreshed the
transifex cache

Everything should be good now :)

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