[Xfce-i18n] New Xfce4 Screenshooter release soon

Jeff Bailes thepizzaking at gmail.com
Sun Nov 29 05:12:34 CET 2009

2009/11/29 Jérôme Guelfucci <jeromeg at xfce.org>:
> Hello,
> I'm planning to do a new Xfce4 Screenshooter release soon, so it would be
> great if translations could be as updated as possible. The documentation
> translations need some love too, you can send me the localized screenshots
> if you want, I will add them.

I just updated the en_GB translation, I noticed a few spelling errors
in the original strings:
Three strings in lib/screenshooter-zimagez.c starting 'An error occured...'
'occurred' should have two 'r's

Similarly with one of those three strings, 'transferring' is spelt
with only one 'r', it should have two.

> Cheers,
> Jérôme


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