[Xfce-i18n] Hello World!

Mike Massonnet mmassonnet at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 07:08:04 CET 2009


You have been added to the translators group and are now able to
upload updated po files. Don't forget to update your profile with your
real name otherwise the commits will fail.

The current translators with upload rights are CCed. It is possible to
create a team page as shortly explained here:

Welcome aboard :-)
PS: second mail, this time to the mailing-list

2009/11/24 Mario Andonoudiou <supermodmusic at gmail.com>:
> Hello XFCE translators!
> My name is Mario and I am from Greece. I use xfce for 7 months almost and I
> would like to help it by contributing in greek translation project!
> Please add me to the greek translators!
> --
> Marios Andonoudiou

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