[Xfce-i18n] What is MASTER component?

Javier Sanchez donoban at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 23:32:17 CET 2009

2009/11/5 Leandro Regueiro <leandro.regueiro at gmail.com>:
> xfce-4.4 and xfce-4.6 are stable versions of Xfce. master is trunk,
> the place where all the new development is done, and where the new
> versions of Xfce will come from. You probably want to translate in
> master.
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But I read this from

"You can get the latest PO files from the Transifex platform,
available at http://translations.xfce.org/. Go to Languages, pick up
your language, then choose the collection you want to translate, now
scroll down to the Download section and click one of the “Get zip” or
“Get tar.gz” button.

Regarding the Xfce collection, it's recommended having translation for
the current stable version at first, the development version would be
frequently changed unless they are frozen by developer."

I don't understand how new messages for translating are added to
transifex.  Is the current po updated with the new messages or I need
to download the latest and extract the po files from there?


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