[Xfce-i18n] New translators, some information on how to proceed

Leandro Regueiro leandro.regueiro at gmail.com
Thu Jun 7 09:36:23 CEST 2007

> For example I am stuck now at creating the patch. diff as stands on the
> instruction is not giving the expected result.
>  In my view the instructions are designed to prevent the translators from
> messing up the work of the developers. That It should do. But it tries to
> protect the developers by putting a lot of burden on the translators. That
> it should not be.

It's true that the Xfce way of translating is too dificult for the
translators, they have to do a lot of work.

In another systems, like Mandriva way of translating, the translator
simply have to go to a URL like that
http://www1.mandrivalinux.com/l10n/gl.php3 , click on the percentage
to download a .po updated and compressed in bzip2, uncompress it,
translate with a program like poedit, for example, compress together
all .po files, and send the compressed .po files by mail to Pablo
Saratxaga (Mandriva translations coordinator) that do the rest of the
work. This is a very simple way of translating for the translators,
all that they have to do is translate :)

           Leandro Regueiro

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