[Xfce-i18n] Polish translatnions update: goodies and xfce svn

Maximilian Schleiss maxschleiss at bluewin.ch
Thu Jan 18 17:17:26 CET 2007

Szymon Kałasz wrote:
> Hi,

> I made some changes to polish translations of xfce and goodies
> (trunk). Patches are attached.
the patches applied perfectly and are committed to SVN. You could still 
try to update your tree before making the patches so you are sure no new 
additions are being brought to the files you want to send in.

> There is also a pl.po file for thunar-volman. This is a new
> translation. I send it as separate file since `svn diff` didn't work
> for it. Modyfying LINGUAS is also necessary (not included in the patch).
The diff only works for existing files IIRC, so you did the right thing 
sending it in. The LINGUAS file has been changed also.

> Thank you in advance for commiting xfce/goodies patches and pl.po of
> thunar-volman.
Thank you for sending in the right way, this really saves me plenty of 
time fiddling with files and folders.
> Regards,

> Szymon Kałasz.

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