[Xfce-i18n] [SPAMKLASSAT av SU] [it] Some italian translations

Pau Ruŀlan Ferragut paurullan at bulma.net
Sun Apr 1 21:20:21 CEST 2007

On Sun, Apr 01, 2007 at 04:14:07PM +0200, Fabio Riga wrote:
>In data 28/03/2007 19:05:17, Maximilian Schleiss ha scritto:

>>Could you send in the new patch to be applied?

>Here you are...

commited thanks. Great work dude!

>What will I do when I will complete other translations? The new patch will
>contain diffs that I have already  sent, isn't it? I suppose I'll need just a
>svn update, but how long I have to wait for the commit?

I feel like I do not understand the question. If you do a svn diff you will
the the differences from what is committed and what you have done in your
local copy. So if you are like upstream the will be nothing to show. Or if you
change just a string there will be just a string.

There is no need to wait, thus. Well, maybe wait until any maintainer has
commmited it ^_^

>Sorry, maybe it's a silly question, but I like to understand how things  

There are no silly questions, just silly people who keep quiet ^_^

No, perquè la felicitat no és un joc de suma zero, igual que l’amor: te puc
donar tot el que tinc que jo no me quedaré sense.

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