[Xfce-i18n] Polish translaotion update

Robert Kurowski koorek at o2.pl
Fri Apr 8 23:05:02 CEST 2005


Here's xfwm4 and xfdesktop from xfce_4_2 branch
I'm sending whole .po files, or maybe diff's are preffered? (diff -u?)

OK, question. I'm subscribed to this list not so long so I don't know
everything. Is there some translation coordinator? (pollux?).
Another thing, what are the chances for +w to svn resouces (I mean
translations). Is there any way to set permissions to translations only?
(I'm not cvs/svn guru).

Ohh, what are chances to set up wiki at xfce servers. I mean, a wiki for
translators. there could be a some kind of a tutorial (in each language
sepperate ofcourse) how to translate, and some dictionaries to unify
translations. Hmm, I think that's all right now.

Robert 'koorek' Kurowski	Jabber:	koorek at pld-linux.org
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