Alt+Mouse button functionality (feature request?)

charlie mac charzilla at
Sat Oct 4 14:40:15 CEST 2003

I have done my best to look through the documentation, the FAQ, as
well as look for answers on #xfce for the problem I'm about to
describe, but I haven't found a solution yet. Posting here was my
next logical step, if the problem has already been answered, I
apologize for the post.

My Problem: I use Maya on Linux to do cg work. Unfortunately this app
requires the use of Alt+Mouse buttons to move around a 3D scene.  I
like xfce4 and would like to use it with Maya, but as of yet I
haven't found a way to unbind the Alt+Mouse button defaults xfwm has.
 I have looked at trying the custom.keys file but I only see
keyboard-only binding capabilities.

Question/Request: Is there a way I can either unbind the current
Alt+Mouse bindings or rebind them to Super(Window key) + mouse
bindings?  If not, I would like to submit such capability as a
feature request.

thanks for your time,
charlie mac

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