[Xfce-apps] proposition of framework

James Golden chibifs at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 08:49:36 CET 2005

 On the subject of the framework props, I'm highly fond of the way
http://www.gnomefiles.org 's frontpage is set up. Aside from the
ratings stuff, anyway. The big clear icons really help the look, we
could do something similar with the Rodent icon theme instead. A
recent additions bar is a must, too.

 I think the site's color scheme should follow one of our GTK themes,
maybe dawn, 4.2. or the default theme-- Though if I were to choose
myself, I would probably go with an Olive set, I'm fond of cream
colors much over whites. While colors aren't key, they should be
highly considered.Black on White is a pain in the eyes, White on Black
turns people away. My own site, for example, uses a cream blue and
yellow scheme, with white text, and it gets at lest 5 times as many
visits a week as it did when I had more content and a more personal
green on black scheme. I'm of course not suggesting we steal all of
art.gnome.org and gnome-look.org's visiters via beuaty, but I do think
that XFCE users shouldn't need to visit those sites as often. :o

 As of my absense since we started this, I've been getting through a
lot, lately. I have driving school, work, making plans for a friend to
visit, my mother and father who live seperately are both losing their
homes, and the whole family is flat broke. Things are starting to
brighten, but I'm still getting pulled around-- Oh yeah, and I have my
other dev communities I hang out in, too. World of Warcraft UI
development projects, and Second Life LSL scripts.

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