[Xfc-dev] Signal-handling-question

Jeff Franks jcfranks at tpg.com.au
Tue Jul 26 05:45:37 CEST 2005

Johannes Zellner wrote:

>I started to write a small application with the foundation-classes, now 
>I've a question:
>How can I connect the key_release_signal to a Entry-Widget ?
>I tried it like:
>bool gofor(Gdk::EventCrossing& event)
>But I get many confusin errors by compiling.
>Would be nice if someone could just post a example :-)

I don't know if this is your problem but the example code above is 
wrong. FileStepper::gofor() is declared as a class member function but 
it's defined as a global function. You shouldn't use global functions in 
C++ if you can avoid it, but if you did, the above code should look like 


bool gofor(Gdk::EventCrossing& event)

and  for a member function the code should look like this:


bool FileStepper::gofor(Gdk::EventCrossing& event)

I presume "this" is a FileStepper instance. If not, "this" should point 
to the class the gofor() function is declared in.


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