[Xfc-dev] xfc questions

Xavier Otazu xotazu at cvc.uab.es
Sat Aug 20 00:23:35 CEST 2005


>>	The problem appears when I want to change the button image from
>>MEDIA_PLAY to MEDIA_PAUSE. I use the set_image() method, but as you
>>tell in the tutorial it is mandatory to previously define the label for
>>the button.
>Where do I say this exactly... it sounds wrong. You don't have to define
>a label. If your using Glade you should be able to delete the default
>label for the button you add, leaving the label entry box empty. Then
>the label proerty wont be set and the lable widget wont be created when
>libglade creates the button widget.

I do not define the label on Glade, and as you tell, it works fine and the 
button does not allocate space for this label. But in some places of my 
code I need to change button image.

In the xfc-4.3/docs/reference/html/classXfc_1_1Gtk_1_1Button.html#z601_11 
html file of documentation of void Xfc::Gtk::Button::set_image (Widget & 
image) function, you tell :

void Xfc::Gtk::Button::set_image (Widget &image)

Set the image of the button to the given widget.

     	image 	The Image you want the button to display.

For this method to work the button label must be set first.

I tried not to set the label prior to calling the set_image() function, 
but the image on the button does not change. I have to call the 
set_label() function to change the image of an already existing Button.



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