[Thunar-dev] samba

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Fri Sep 15 19:27:00 CEST 2006

Bernhard Walle wrote:
>>Instead, what do you think of a network transparency API (which could  
>>be disabled at compile time for extra-lightweightness) that people  
>>can write plugins (samba, subversion, cvs) for.  Currently I think  
>>only Konqueror has network transparency, so a gtk competitor might be  
> Well, I think the FUSE approach is more promising simply because it
> puts things from application programs back to the operating system
> which should handle this. For example if you double click on a remote
> file, it can be _really_ opened without drawbacks. Not copying the
> file to /tmp, opening this file, copying back etc.
> For SSH there's sshfs, for SVN, there's the webdav FS, for Bluetooth,
> there's also something for bluetooth and of course there's a Samba
> file system. Maybe there would be some kind of GUI integration useful
> to umount/unmount the systems.

Actually, I'm somewhat convinced that FUSE is about the best way to
address this issue (I was hoping for a D-Vfs, but...). This will however
not be part of Thunar (tho maybe somewhat integrated into Thunar), but
as mentioned earlier a separate network browser, which handles
authentication and stuff (I had a quick look at fusesmb, and there does
not seem to be any other way than adding passwords to the config file,
which is not only inconvenient, but also presents a security risk IMHO).

I don't have time to work on this currently, but it's atleast on TODO. I
hope to get something working for the next Xubuntu release...

> A SVN _client_ (such as Tortoise) integrated in Thunar would be
> another story, of course. But that's something the generic API could
> not solve because it's different.

That'd be doable via the current plugin API (just the dynamic emblems
part missing).

>        Bernhard


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