[Thunar-dev] samba

Matt McClinch mattmcclinch at gmail.com
Fri Sep 15 04:16:37 CEST 2006

Bob Snyder wrote:

>Auke Kok wrote:
>>Why do people think that implementing a specific way to do X (in this case, 
>>mount a samba share or browse it, which is basically the same) should beling in 
>>a filemanager?
>Because xffm/xfsamba did it?
>Bob S.
If xffm did everything right, there would be no Thunar.

You know, its funny.  xfsamba was the app that turned me on to xfce in 
the first place (before version 4).  Back then it was a standalone app 
that scanned the network for shares and allowed the user to mount them 
and optionally open them in a new window.  With version 4.0, it became 
part of xffm, and with version 4.4 it seems to have disappeared 
completely.  It may be time to bring it back in its original form.

Matt McClinch

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