Verifying Transifex automatic commit behavior

Hunter Turcin huntertur at
Wed May 22 04:27:28 CEST 2024

Hey all,

I'm trying to get back in the swing of contributing to Xfce and am
looking at finally putting out another release of Xfburn. However, I've
forgotten how exactly the Transifex integration works, and I would like
to verify some behavior before I put out the release.

Take a look at the commit history for the Xfburn project:

Historically, there are a large amount of commits pushed by Transifex
whenever there is a code change. For some examples, see the commits
made by Gaël Bonithon on April 7, Bobby Rong on April 5, and me on
March 5 2023. However, I noticed that the flood of Transifex commits
did not follow the commit I made on April 25; there has only been one
translation update since then. Given the historical floods of commits,
I want to double-check if the lack of automatic updates from the most
recent commit means I should wait longer, if I should reconfigure
something, or if the behavior is expected.

Hunter Turcin
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