Request to include xfce4-alsamixer to xfce

Tim Tassonis stuff at
Thu Jun 13 20:45:31 CEST 2024

On 6/13/24 20:22, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Thu, 2024-06-13 at 00:58 +0200, Tim Tassonis wrote:
>> I thought that there might be other xfce4 users that don't use
>> pulseaudio, and the program is really useful for all those.
> Hi,
> I'm a plain ALSA user. Some audio devices only work with special mixers
> or are at least better to use with such mixers, e.g. prosumer Envy24
> cards or certain professional RME cards. Finally, you can operate
> alsamixer in xfce4-terminal, roxterm etc. with cursor keys and mouse. I
> can't estimate how many of us basic ALSA users appreciate an extra layer
> that might be a little more convenient, but possibly at the cost of
> extra error-proneness.

Well, I know alsamixer for terminal, in my case, I use volumeicon in the 
taskbar and that then let me call the mixer gui (it can of course also 
call xfce4-terminal with alsamixer).

I'm comfortable with the terminal, it's just that I maintain a distro 
with alsa and for users less familiar with terminal programs, 
xfce4-alsamixer provides an easy access to the mixer.

But I suppose all other distros have moved to pulseaudio, so the 
potential user base for xfce4-alsamixer is not all that big.


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