Feature: window fences

Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult lkml at metux.net
Wed Oct 19 16:58:25 CEST 2022

Hello folks,

I've like to announce another feature that I've implemented recently:


Window fences:

* user can define "fences", regions on screen (via xfconf) where clients
   are maximized into (instead of whole monitor)
* fences optionally can be configured to auto-maximize the window if is
   moved in
* behavior outside any fences (or when no fence configured) remains
* current fence is communicated by window property
* clients can switch to another fence (or outside) updating the the
   window property
* initial fence can be configured by window policy

Rationale: allows somewhat similar behavior like tiling, but with more

* mixed w/ floating windows
* fence regions can defined arbitrarily and by fixed geometry
* easy to configure automatically w/o manual intervention (CASC, auto-
   provisioners, ...)
* clients can be put into certain regions (w/o extra client side
* via policies (see my previous mail), this can be defined via window
   class, title, window type, etc

Further work (planned / WIP):

* auto-provisioning of fences by monitor or split-monitor
* dynamic reconfiguration (eg. on monitor failure or replacement), incl. 
* auto-repositioning (on fence reconfiguration)
* fence switch via window menu
* optional permanent border markings
* interactive configuration UI

If you like it, feel free to leave your thumb up.


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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
info at metux.net -- +49-151-27565287

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