Xfce financial contributions migrate to OpenCollective

Kevin Bowen kevin.bowen at gmail.com
Sun May 30 22:23:48 CEST 2021

[Resend with better formatting]

Summary: Xfce has migrated to OpenCollective to manage its financial 
contributions. Contributions can now be processed in both U.S. 
Dollars($) and Euros(€). If you would like to make a contribution, see 
[1] for details.


Earlier this month, Xfce, as part of an overall effort to migrate 
financial contributions away from bountysource.com, joined 
OpenCollective.com to manage its finances going forward. The reason for 
this change is, briefly, summarized in this [2] blogpost.

Xfce has created two collectives, known as 'Xfce'[4] and 'Xfce-eu'[5], 
respectively. `Xfce` will process and handle all financial 
contribution/donation transactions in U.S. Dollars supporting methods 
such as PayPal, SWIFT transfers and credit cards. The Xfce-eu collective 
is set up to allow transactions in EUR currency using SEPA transfers and 
credit cards.

In addition to handling processing fees and holding Xfce's financial 
contributions, Open Collective also provides resources for payment 
authorization and dispersal, monthly reporting, transaction 
transparency. See [6] for an example of the last two features. Note: 
processing times and fees differ between to the two collectives. 
Briefly, 'Xfce' is a 10% fee, and 'Xfce-eu' is 6%. Details on this can 
be found under the two collectives' fiscal hosts: 'Open Source 
Collective' [7] and 'Open Collective Europe' [8].

It is estimated that the remaining funds in bountysource will be 
transferred out and distributed amongst the two OpenCollective fiscal 
hosts sometime by the end of next month.

Going forward, there may be additional announcements regarding 
fundraising goals, budgets, and implementation of additional 
OpenCollective functionality. At the current time, there are no plans 
for expenditures, disbursements, or purchases.

I realize that there may be a bit of terminology that is unclear, or 
unfamiliar. If interested, please take some time to look over [3] for 
additional details on OpenCollective, its services and functionality.

Let me know if you have questions and I will try to answer them to the 
best of my ability. I am usually available on the #xfce-dev channel 

Thanks for your time,
Kevin Bowen

[1]: https://docs.xfce.org/contribute/start#financial_contributions
[2]: https://simon.shimmerproject.org/2020/06/18/why-bountysource-why/
[3]: https://docs.opencollective.com/help/about/introduction
[4]: https://opencollective.com/xfce
[5]: https://opencollective.com/xfce-eu
[6]: https://docs.xfce.org/contribute/supporters
[7]: https://opencollective.com/opensource
[8]: https://opencollective.com/europe

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