About keeping forked repository up to date

Marcel Kühlhorn tux93 at opensuse.org
Wed Nov 11 13:34:51 CET 2020

On Wed, 2020-11-11 at 11:05 +0000, Gaël Bonithon wrote:
> You don't have to add the upstream repository each time, only one time is
> sufficient.
> Then, a shorthand for `git fetch upstream && git merge upstream/master` is
> `git pull upstream master` (I think this should rebase by default, else 
> `git pull --rebase upstream master`).
> Finally, `git push --force origin your-branch` should do the job.

And if you have existing feature branches you might want to rebase them on the
current main (master) before opening PRs

Marcel Kühlhorn

Have a lot of fun!

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