XFCE Daemons

Kolmar Kafran kolmar at kafran.net
Thu May 28 23:58:20 CEST 2020

Hello everybody.

I'm trying to create a Tiling DE on top of XFCE replacing Xfwm for i3 on
Xconf. Also I would like to use i3bar instead of XFCE Panel. The problem is
i3bar doesn't support SNI yet (And I don't know if it will ever support it:
https://github.com/i3/i3/issues/2088) and with XFCE 4.14 some features
seems to have migrated from Tray to Plugins (like power management) and
some daemons seems to have migrated to plugins as well, like the volume

Question is: is it possible to use daemons to volume control, media keys,
etc, having a XEmbed tray icon on i3bar? I think XFCE had such daemons in
the past. Power management, notification (with tray icon), etc.. Can I have
these services daemonized and working without XFCE Panel or plugins?

I still don't understand how these pieces interact together to form the
whole DE. I'm trying to have the complete XFCE experience (volume mount,
media keys, brightness key, keyring, polkit, session, clipman, etc., but
with a tiling window manager). What should I do? Can someone guide me on

Thanks for your help.

Kolmar Kafran
https://kafran.net <http://kafran.net>
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