exo dependencies

Romain Bouvier skunnyk at alteroot.org
Wed Jul 22 12:35:57 CEST 2020


Since the migration of exo-helpers to xfce4-settings in 4.15 serie, this dependency is not needed anymore on exo side, we need to cleanup the check !

July 22, 2020 10:33 AM, "Olof Kindgren" <olof.kindgren at gmail.com (mailto:olof.kindgren at gmail.com?to=%22Olof%20Kindgren%22%20<olof.kindgren at gmail.com>)> wrote:
Hi devs,

Looking at the dependencies of exo I see that there are a couple of perl modules listed in configure.ac.in (http://configure.ac.in) (URI::Escape URI::file URI::URL) but I haven't figured out how they are used in the source, at least not in the current git HEAD. Just wanted to check if I just missed them or if the dependency checks should be removed

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