Xfce Panel dropping Gtk2 and old API in 4.15/4.16

Simon Steinbeiss simon at xfce.org
Tue Oct 1 20:09:24 CEST 2019

Hi everyone,

as a heads up - especially to plugin developers - I wanted to let you know
that the first 4.15 development release (leading up to Xfce 4.16 stable) of
the Xfce Panel will not contain Gtk2 support for plugins anymore (also see
the Panel Roadmap page:

Moreover I have already dropped the old APIs that have consequently become
irrelevant. To give you a quick overview, here's a list of things that have
already been marked as deprecated before, but have now been dropped:


The replacements are usually very straightforward (e.g. GtkBox over
XfceHVBox or direct glib calls like g_slice_new0 over panel_slice_new0) and
were also mentioned in the deprecation warnings, but if you run into issues
feel free to ask!

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