xfwm4 zoom, follow text-cursor

Luuk van der Duim luukvanderduim at gmail.com
Sun Feb 4 12:44:12 CET 2018


Xfwm4 has desktop zoom (Hurray!) as I am visually impaired, this is an 
utter necessity. (I use my peripheral vision for mostly everything)
And the implementation xfce has is great: continuous zoom, butter- 
smooth moving and solid. Thanks a lot for implementing zoom.

Current behavior for the zoomed area is to follow the mouse pointer 

I believe it would be very convenient for the zoomed area to also follow 
the text cursor position.
Currently, when I type my cursor 'walks out' of our zoomed area and I 
often find myself adjusting the zoomed area's position (with the mouse) 
to match the text cursors position. (if that makes any sense.)

Would it be practically feasible to have xfce4 follow the text cursor 
aswell and analogue to the mouse poiter.
Is there a common denominator for all/most applications' text cursors 
that can tell us where their cursor position is?


     Luuk van der Duim

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