Next Slackware release vs. Xfce 4.12

Niki Kovacs info at
Fri Jan 30 14:37:49 CET 2015


I'm the maintainer of the Slackware-based Microlinux Enterprise Desktop 
(, which uses Xfce as desktop 
environment. I understand that since the release of 4.10, there have 
been quite some changes brewing under the hood. Do you guys plan an 
official release in a foreseeable future? The next Slackware release 
won't be too long, and it would be sad if this didn't include all the 
new Xfce improvements.

Keep up the good work & cheers from the sunny South of France.

Niki Kovacs

PS: I posted this message in the Xfce forum. The moderator suggested I 
send it to this mailing list instead.
Microlinux - Solutions informatiques 100% Linux et logiciels libres
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