Bugzilla Cleanup

Robby Workman rw at rlworkman.net
Sun Dec 7 09:25:51 CET 2014

On Wed, 3 Dec 2014 09:00:26 +0100
Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 5:04 AM, Robby Workman <rw at rlworkman.net>
> wrote:
> > I'm trying to do some cleanup and triaging of bug reports on
> > xfce's bugzilla, and recently I've been looking at old (<2010)
> > reports with the intent of finding out whether they're still
> > valid (and if not, closing them). In the process, I noticed that
> > there are LOTS of bugs for components that are not considered
> > part of Xfce any more (e.g. xfprint4) or are no longer maintained
> > or considered usable (e.g. xfmedia). I've closed out all of those
> > two component's bugs with WONTFIX and a message indicating why.
> >
> > I'd like input from the Xfce developers (and other distribution
> > maintainers perhaps) on what other components can be closed out
> > as WONTFIX (or other if preferred).
> >
> > Some that come to mind are:
> >
> >   libxfcegui4 (won't be part of 4.12)
> >   pyxfce (appears to be unmaintained now)
> >   xfc (appears to be unmaintained now)
> >   xfce-installer (no intent to start doing this again, right?)
> >   xfce4-cellmodem-plugin (appears to be unmaintained)
> >     * probably the same for several other goodies, but that
> >       alone doesn't necessarily mean they should be closed out,
> >       I think - some still are in widespread usage
> >   xfce4-icon-theme (will this be staying dead or are there
> >     plans to revive it?)
> >   xfce4-xfapplet-plugin (appears unmaintained, and possibly
> >     irrelevant anyway since GNOME3, but perhaps MATE folks
> >     still want it)
> The products moved to the archive (no new bugs allowed) category a
> long time ago (well some of them) i can move the icons there too. We
> can close the archive bugs as WONTFIX (there are 101 of them if you
> include the icons) that probably fine.
> > To be clear, I'm not suggesting that bugs be closed as WONTFIX
> > *only* because something is unmaintained, but if some component
> > is not maintained, not considered useful these days, and has
> > basically no chance of anyone ever deciding to revive it, it
> > would be nice to get those bugs closed and removed from the
> > list of open reports.
> Agreed.
> > On a related note, this would perhaps be a good time for someone
> > with appropriate access to move any such trees to the "archive"
> > directory in git.
> Today?
> I'll move icons + installer there too.

Thanks, Nick - much appreciated.


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