equake Debian package

Yves-Alexis Perez corsac at debian.org
Fri Nov 8 07:58:47 CET 2013

On Thu, 2013-11-07 at 16:08 -0800, Jeroen van Aart wrote:
> > - blindly adding a package without committing to maintain it properly is
> > a no go: we're already struggling with bug reports we don't correctly
> > handle
> I am not sure what you mean. Why would I not commit to maintain my own 
> package? Of course I would.

Because we already have experience of people adding their pet project to
the team, having it uploaded and disappear, which puts the burden on the
other team members.
> > - we're more insterested in fixing bugs in existing packages than adding
> > new ones (related to point 1)
> > - I'm not really actually persuaded of the usefulness of the equake
> > package
> Both points are the reason why I submitted it independently of the 
> debian xfce project. I was not expecting to get it in debian at all 
> except through mentors by someone sponsoring it.
> I mostly created the debian package because someone asked me on the list 
> and I subsequently decided to attempt to get it into debian's repository 
> as well.

Well, it's definitely not required to join the pkg-xfce team to
maintain an Xfce related package, it's just really useful especially
when library transitions are involved.

Anyway, before uploading any package to Debian one have to fill an ITP
bug so people on debian-devel mailing list have a chance to comment on
the package. Again, we can't and don't want to have each and every
software on earth, especially if they mean maintenance burden (for the
maintainer itself, the release team, the security team etc.) for a
package not use by much people (which is usually the case for panel

So, in the end, you're obviously free to do what you want, it's just
some piece of advice so you have an idea of what to expect.

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