gtk3 panel

Andrzej ndrwrdck at
Tue Sep 4 18:30:07 CEST 2012

On 04/09/12 21:54, Damian Ivanov wrote:
> Hello developers :)

Hi. I am not a core developer, please don't take anything below literally.

> AFAIK and read from the wiki xfce 4.12  will feature the port to gtk3.

For the next 2-3 years (until 4.14) we are more likely to stay with 
gtk2, likely with experimental build options for gtk3. Personally, I'd 
like to see gtk3 in Xfce 4.12 but the decision is in hands of people who 
"do", not "want".

> we could work together, or even why it
> should be better to do it even based on the xfce-panel (but would
> require more work, because of the winow button and indicator applets)
> The xfce part may be most interesting for you.

We would definitely want to see Gnome 3 applets and Unity indicators in 
Xfce. The problem with the former is that Gnome 2 applets are gone 
(Mate?) and, as you said, Gnome 3 panel isn't particularly loved either. 
As for Unity indicators - our main issue with them is poor maintenance. 
Interfaces are being deprecated more often than we can make releases.

> The panel if in vertical mode looks
> like having about 20 separators,

What do you mean?

> and no option for them to auto respect
> height and length of an overlapping panel.

There is a patch for it in bugzilla.

> gnome3-panel
> recently feels quite stable, only one issue so far with the theming
> and transparency of it. Vertical panel's respect the size of
> horizontal panels.

Gnome (2) has never fixed the vertical panel layout. Would be nice if 
you could step in and apply patches floating around. Also, gnome applets 
tend to guess the optimum orientation based on location of the panel and 
its width, and some of them do it differently. I'd like to see a 
centralized gnome panel for setting the applet orientation - that would 
make gnome applets more compatible with Xfce panel (once we adopt gtk3).



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