About Gtk3/Gtk2 in 4.12

Stephan Arts stephan at xfce.org
Sat May 26 22:13:44 CEST 2012

On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 3:48 PM, Guido Berhoerster <gber at opensuse.org> wrote:
> On 26.05.2012 14:20, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
>> Besides that, I'm not really in a hurry for migrating to a gtk3 Xfce in
>> Debian. But what puzzles me is what will be the state of Gtk2 when 4.12
>> is out and when we release Wheezy+1 (I'm pretty confident libgtk2 will
>> still be present in Debian for a few years, but at one point it won't be
>> maintained much).
> What I'm more worried about is the state of the larger Gtk2 ecosystem at
> that time, ie. stuff like vte, wnck, unique etc.

Well, worst case scenario, we would bring back netk, I think.

Getting the xfce core compiling with GSEAL is already quite some work,
but it would still allow us to polish the desktop some more (like was
done for 4.10). This keeps developing for the project fun, porting is
not fun, especially when you see your efforts result in slower
programs using more memory with no additional advantage (other than
that people stop complaining about the dependency on 'old'

If we port the libraries (libxfce4ui, exo, libxfce4panel) so they come
with both gtk2 and gtk3 versions, the xfce ecosystem can be slowly
ported while xfce 4.12 is out. Without having to wait for the new
stable release to make 'everything work again'.

Just my 2ct.



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