Share xfce4-session and xfce4-power-manager code

Landry Breuil landry.breuil at
Tue Feb 15 11:47:08 CET 2011

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Nick Schermer <nickschermer at> wrote:
> Folks,
> There is a lot of consolekit/polkit code duplicated in
> xfce4-power-manager/xfce4-session. The code in xfce4-session is also a
> bit of a mess since everything is in 1 file, xfce4-power-manager seems
> to be more ordered in this aspect. To resolve this there are a couple
> of possible solutions:
> 1) Remove all shutdown/suspend handling from xfce4-session and use
> xfce4-power-manager for this (it can act as a dbus service).
> 2) Share code in a library. It pulls too many individual modules, so
> this will most likely end up in xfce4-session or xfce4-power-manager.
>    - Lib in xfce4-power-manager: most move to core.
>    - Lib in xfce4-session: ugly dep for xfce4-power-manager.
> Personally I prefer the first option. We might need to extend
> xfce4-power-manager so support sudo for bsd systems or let
> xfce4-session fallback on that if xfce4-power-manager is not found
> (how good does it actually function on *bsd?).

it relies on upower which only works on linux and freebsd.


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