[Xfce 4.8] Improving the Release process

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at cornell.edu
Mon Mar 2 23:44:23 CET 2009

Auke Kok wrote:
> I really propose that this "naming" convention to signify "stability" is 
> dropped altogether. Please consider just making '-rc' releases until 
> final. This works great for the kernel (for instance) and everyone knows 
> what they are up to:
> - an rc1 or rc2 is highly experimental etc..
> - rc4's and later are good material for less skilled users to test

Yeah, I'd agree.  But let's not use 'rc' since they're not 'release 
candidates' in the traditional sense.  Maybe just "pre" -- 4.8.0pre1, 
4.8.0pre2, etc.  If it makes sense, we can still use the internal 
4.7.99.{1,2,...} version numbers.

> moreover, I agree there should be more intermediate rc's, getting stuff 
> out under people's noses is the best way to move forward, and not let 
> things rot for months.

That's another issue...  I think we should be doing unstable development 
releases (4.7.0, 4.7.1, etc.), but on a per-component basis.  But that 
depends on the free time of the module maintainer.


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