Xfce 4.6.0 Released!!!

Jannis Pohlmann jannis at xfce.org
Fri Feb 27 04:08:31 CET 2009

On Thu, 26 Feb 2009 18:00:49 -0800
"Brian J. Tarricone" <bjt23 at cornell.edu> wrote:

> Stephan Arts wrote:
> > After more than two years of development, Xfce 4.6.0 has just been
> > released.
> * send announcement to slashdot
> * update freshmeat
> * update gnomefiles
> * upload packages to sf.net (I guess I can do this tonight)

Right. I udon't know any of these sites good enough to do that, so I'll
step back on this one.

> * have a beer (or several)

Oh, I already did *that* (who would've imagined ...). Just came back
from a little party with friends.

Thumbs up everyone! Especially Stephan who did an amazing job. Thanks
as well to Jerôme without whom the website update would not have been
possible. It might not be the most clean and polished release ever and
the release process was quite painful, but we can now look back at this
and hopefully each learn our lessons. 

I'm already looking forward on working on 4.8 with you guys, and
thinking of some of the features to come gets me really excited. 

Now, let's get that TODO list from above done and then start discussing
what we want to achieve in 4.8 and how we want the release cycle to be
like. We've talked about the transition to git and maybe transifex on
the infrastructure side and everyone one of us probably has his very
own list of features he'd like to implement. I'd like to gather these
so that we have a good overview about everything and can discuss the
release process and its milestones.

But today, just enjoy the feeling of having finished something, grab a
beer, hug a friend and be happy and proud ;)

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