
Yves-Alexis Perez corsac at debian.org
Thu Feb 19 08:07:59 CET 2009

On jeu, 2009-02-19 at 01:03 +0100, Jannis Pohlmann wrote:
> You will find all of this documented in the code as well. It should
> work fine. The only thing I still don't like is that initially, you'll
> see 48 in the insensitive custom DPI spin button. As soon as you switch
> to custom DPI you'll see the computed value in there. I guess that's
> easy to fix by changing /Xft/DPI when starting xfsettingsd and the
> value is -1. But ... yeah, it's not really that important. At least the
> value is now remembered and the appearance settings don't act weird
> anymore.
> Please give it some testing. 

Seems to work fine. Indeed when first looking in appearance settings,
the value in the spinbutton was 48. More annoying, the spinbutton wasn't
greyed out. After a check/uncheck it was correctly set (what puzzles me
a little is that the entered value is 127 while my DPI are more like
125, I guess that's rounding error but…)

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