Transifex translation branches

Jannis Pohlmann jannis at
Wed Aug 12 00:22:31 CEST 2009

Hey guys,

I'm working on a script that generates projects, components, collections
users for our transifex installation on
Most of it runs smoothly. 

I've decided to leave out all branches older than Xfce 4.4. In
addition, I'm ignoring a number of exotic branches. Currently, these

  /java/, /exo-thumbnailers/, /exo-0.2/,
  /madkiss/, /xfce-4.0/, /xfce-4.2/,
  /maybe/, /BMEURER/, /oldmaster/, /mastershadow/,
  /4_3_old/, /vendor/, /^4.2$/, /^4.0$/, /t-a-p-2008/,
  /migration-to-gio/, /design/, /thunar-nonthreaded/, /^4.3$/, /INIT/,
  /sofar/, /unlabeled/, /remco/, /start/, /Roger/, /bile/, /before_gstreamer/,
  /aguelzow/, /oldpanel/, /b0kaj/, /initial/, /tobias/, /nebulon/,
  /eduard/, /xfce-dev/, /old-thunar-vfs/, /dannym/, /bschlarmann/,
  /XFCE4_2_SUPPORT/, /compose-key/, /sasoiliev/, /trick/, /, /,
  /old_libxfmusic4/, /merge-support/, /parser-rewrite/,
  /KORBINUS/, /^phase$/, /^old$/

Does this look good? Is there a branch among these that should not be

There are a few projects where I'm not sure which branches we want to
allow translations for. So, please, if you're a maintainer of one of the
following projects, please tell me which of the listed branches should
be translatable and which should not ('master' left out here):

mousepad: mousepad-0.2.x, mousepad-0.3.x, nick_0_3
orage: orage-4.5
ristretto: ristretto-gio, ristretto-imlib2
squeeze: squeeze-0.2
xarchiver: xarchiver-pcman, xarchiver-psybsd
xfbib: pre-0.1.0
xfce4-battery-plugin: hal_based
xfce4-icon-theme: xfce4-icon-theme-compliant
xfce4-panel: devel
xfce4-places-plugin: unmount
xfce4-stopwatch-plugin: 0.2.x
xfapplet: xfapplet_0_1
xfmpc: xfmpc-0.1.x, xfmpc-plugins

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