Xfce settings pluggable window

ali abdallah ali.slackware at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 09:01:06 CEST 2008

> Not every item is pluggable yet.  Look at the user interface, keyboard,
> or mouse settings dialogs, their main.c files.  Those are pluggable,
> and have a special case to be run either in a GtkPlug or a GtkWindow.
> Cheers
> Mike
Actually i tried the mouse settings dialog, and it's also  popping up a
separate window, in the code i didn't see anything like a GtkPlug!

> Message: 6
> You need:
>  1. X-XfcePluggable=true in the .desktop entry
>  2. Provide a --socket-id=<SOCKET ID> command line parameter that
>     takes an integer.
>  3. If the --socket-id parameter is defined, you need to do:
>       GtkWidget *plug;
>       GtkWidget *plug_child;
>       plug = gtk_plug_new (socket_id);
>       g_signal_connect (plug, 'delete-event',
>                         G_CALLBACK (gtk_main_quit), NULL);
>       gtk_widget_show (plug);
>       plug_child = get_the_dialog_contents_from_somewhere ();
>       gtk_widget_reparent (plug_child, plug);
> That's all. Optionally, you can add
>   4. X-XfceHelpFile=/absolute/filename/to/the/help/file
> to the .desktop entry if you want a help button. The help file usually
> would be a HTML file or something like that.
>  - Jannis

Thanks for the detailed information, i'll try that.

Since you are speaking about help file, i started yesterday looking about
what is done in xfce4-panel and xfdesktop,
but i'm not that used to how writing a documentation for now i have
xfce_exec("xfhelp4 xfce4-power-manager.html", FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
wish displays a blank page when one clicks on the help button of the
settings dialog, but from my finding i see that i need to write an xml file
from it i can generate html page like:

xmlto  -x ../xfce-nochunk.xsl --skip-validation  html

is that correct?
is there is any good tool to write the xml file ? i'm using bluefish!

Many thanks,
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