xfce4-session SmRestartImmediately support

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at gmail.com
Fri Oct 17 21:22:10 CEST 2008

On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 8:16 PM, Brian J. Tarricone <bjt23 at cornell.edu> wrote:
> Olivier Fourdan wrote:
>> [...]
>> It's now implemented in xfwm4.
>> libxfcegui4 did not implement client_session_set_restart_style() and
>> called g_error() and thus abort(), so I had to implement this (and a
>> few other) in libxfcegui4 first.
>> It requires libxfcegui4 from svn rev. r28280, and seems to work as advertised.
> Heh, I guess I didn't actually test the "yes I really want to quit"
> functionality.  Cool, thanks for taking the time to implement this, Olivier.

Humm, no that's unrelated. The code in libxfcegui4 was causing an
abort, so the application that was trying to change its restart style
property would core, leaving the initial restart style.

For xfwm4, that meant that xfwm4 was crashing because of abort() while
another window manager was invoked with --replace, leading to a race
between the restart and the new window manager.


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