show/hide button

Stefan Stuhr xfce4devlist at
Tue May 13 20:24:24 CEST 2008

tir, 13 05 2008 kl. 10:54 -0700, skrev Brian J. Tarricone:
> > That's why I have to have this panel patch.
> > Do you have any other good ideas ?
> Why is it necessary?  What's wrong with the panel's autohide behavior? 
> I feel like this is a niche feature that isn't really a great idea to 
> put in the panel proper...  Tho adding a way to allow plugins to change 
> autohide behavior might not be a bad idea.

Not commenting on the usefulness of having show/hide buttons, as I
wouldn't use such a feature myself, but even if it is/becomes possible
for plugins to toggle autohide, I don't think it would provide the
desired behavior for these show/hide buttons.

Without having tried the patch, I get the impression that it is like the
arrow buttons of other panel implementations (option in GNOME panel, as
far as I remember), where a click on an arrow button at one end of a
panel hides the panel at the monitor edge (left edge when clicking on
button on left side of panel, right edge for button on right side of
panel, and likewise, top/bottom edge for vertical panels), with only the
button still visible, and clickable (and arrow direction reversed).

> 	-brian


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