Question regarding xfce4-mixer

Jannis Pohlmann jannis at
Fri Jul 18 01:11:42 CEST 2008


Am Thu, 17 Jul 2008 23:10:41 +0200
schrieb Christoph Wickert <christoph.wickert at>:

> If I read SVN correctly the option to set a custom mixer command in
> xfce4-mixer-plugin has been removed. Why? This was one of the main
> advantages over other mixer applets.

Because the plugin is based on exactly the same code than the mixer
itself. So the sound cards and controls you can choose in the plugin
are exactly the same you can choose in the mixer. Thus it seemed only
logical to connect the plugin to the mixer. Especially since
xfce4-mixer is the only mixer shipped with Xfce.

I can see however why some people might want to use another mixer
instead, so I might add this feature again (please note that both, the
mixer and and the plugin have been rewritten from scratch).
> In fedora we ship PulseAudio, so we'd like to start pavucontrol
> instead of xce4-mixer. Pleas re-add this option.

I'm sorry to say this but IMHO pavucontrol is everything but a
user-friendly mixer. It's too technical and requires knowledge about
how PulseAudio works.

> BTW: Are there any plans for PulseAudio support?

The upcoming release of xfce4-mixer will support PulseAudio as it is
based on GStreamer. Any sound architecture supported by GStreamer is
also supported by the new mixer. You should be able to verify this by
compiling and running the SVN sources of xfce4-mixer.

  - Jannis
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