setttings in xfce 4.6

Fabian Nowak timystery at
Fri Jan 11 20:52:46 CET 2008

Am Mittwoch, den 09.01.2008, 16:17 +0100 schrieb Nick Schermer:
> I was working a bit on an improved display settings dialog, but while
> i was working on the code and played with randr, i wondered what the
> 4.6 plans are for xfce-mcs-manager + plugins...

Suggestion/side note: I was thinking about developing or asking for an
xfce4-display-plugin showing some resolutions/frequencies and offering
some rotation menu, kinda extension to the display settings. Perhaps it
would thus be a good idea to write the two plugins concurrently based on
the same code/libraries?


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