Xfconf channel/property names

Mike Massonnet mmassonnet at gmail.com
Wed Apr 30 11:25:18 CEST 2008


Why can't a channel name have a slash?  Right now, the channel name can't have
slashes, while the property name can.  In the way I introduced xfconf in
xfce4-notes-plugin, I started with the following channel names:
  * /Xfce4NotesPlugin/PanelPlugin
  * /Xfce4NotesPlugin/NewWindow

Actually it isn't a matter how they are named, I already switched to defines in
the code and with the following naming:
  * xfce4-notes-plugin_panel-plugin
  * xfce4-notes-plugin_new-window

What I am interested in is, how do you name the different channels and


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